Non-Geeky Girls Love Linux Too - English

Sebuah artikel yang menarik untuk dibaca, maaf tidak diterjemahkan :p :

Non-Geeky Girls Love Linux Too :
I never expected to become such a Linux fangirl, especially because I'm not technically minded at all. I'm a teenage girl, into dance and cheer and gymnastics, not computers. Not until a few days ago that is.

I have read several articles on multiple forums about "getting women and girls into Linux," with several suggestions (mostly from guys, by the way) on how to do it. I want to tell my story because I think it may offer something new to the discussion.

I discovered Linux by accident. There is this very cute boy in my dance school who uses a laptop to teach a beginner's class. I borrowed his laptop for a few minutes between classes. I surfed the web a little, checked my e-mail, listened to some music, and did a little school work. When I returned his laptop, I commented on how fast and easy it was. That's when he told me it was Linux!

Review Singkat GNU/Linux Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

Berikut merupakan penampakan dari Ubuntu 11.10 dengan code name Oneiric Ocelot Alpha 1 yang sudah sedikit saya oprek karena fresh install tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik :D , sesuai jadwal Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot akan dirilis dalam beberapa tahapan sebelum dirilis versi finalnya pada tanggal 13 Oktober 2011 berikut jadwalnya :
- 2 Juni Alpha 1
- 7 Juli Alpha 2
- 4 Agustus Alpha 3
- 1 September Beta 1
- 22 September Beta 2
- 13 Oktober Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot - Just Picture it's works.!! :)

Iseng nyoba GNU/Linux Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot dengan Kernel 3.0-1 dan File System : BTRFS, berhasil dengan sukses :)
Review nyusul . . . . .